Exploring Rice By-Products: Rice Bran vs. Rice Polish

Exploring Rice By-Products Rice Bran vs. Rice Polish

Rice bran is the outer layer of the rice grain consisting of the husk and some bran layers. Meanwhile, rice polish is the inner layer of the rice grain, including a small portion of starchy endosperm. Both rice bran and rice polish are by-products of rice milling. In Indonesia, rice bran is produced during the first milling process, while rice polish is produced during the second milling process.

Rice bran tends to have a coarser texture and may contain rice husk or bran remnants, whereas rice polish has a finer texture with no husk remnants. When submerged in water, rice polish tends to sink completely, while rice bran may have some husk particles floating. Rice bran typically has a higher content of crude fiber compared to rice polish.

It’s worth noting that both rice bran and rice polish are rich in antioxidants, including phenolic acids, flavonoids, and anthocyanins, which are beneficial for health by combating the effects of excessive free radicals that can lead to chronic diseases like diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

Bekatul, dedak, dan sekam merupakan hasil limbah dari penggilingan padi. Bekatul terdiri dari lapisan dalam butiran padi, sedangkan dedak adalah lapisan luar. Bekatul lebih halus dan memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang berbeda dengan dedak, meskipun keduanya dapat digunakan sebagai pakan ternak. Bekatul kaya akan serat dan antioksidan, yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan manusia dalam mencegah penyakit kronis. Tekstur dan kandungan nutrisi yang berbeda antara kedua bahan ini membuat mereka memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan.

Source: Disnakkeswan Prov. NTB 2020

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